
  • 64-bit operating system–Windows, macOS or Linux
  • Supported Python and Numpy combinations:
    • Python 2.7, 3.4-3.6 with Numpy 1.10-1.13
  • Numba 0.33 or later
  • Scipy 0.16 or later
  • cffi

CUDA feature requirements

  • CUDA toolkit 7.5 and supported NVIDIA driver
  • At least one CUDA GPU with compute capability 2.0 or above

Installing Pyculib

If you already have the Anaconda free Python distribution, take the following steps to install Pyculib:

  1. Run the command conda update conda.
  2. Run the command conda install pyculib.

If you do not have Anaconda installed, see Downloads.

NOTE: Pyculib can also be installed into your own non-Anaconda Python environment via pip or setuptools.

Updating Pyculib

To update Pyculib, take the following steps:

  1. Run the command conda update conda.
  2. Run the command conda update pyculib.